Sunday, April 19, 2015

Take The Gift

I have a couple very distinct memories that come to mind when I recall my first year serving in my church's choir.  Memories of very kind and very nice people giving me compliments about my appearance or my outfit and I would give them at least 3 reasons why I didn't deserve it. ("This is just something that was in my closet that I didn't have to iron. "This dress is old." "My hair isn't doing what I want it to at all.") Then one day it dawned on me. The people giving me these kind words of affirmation wouldn't go out of their way to lie to me and they don't owe me anything. So why am I wasting all this energy telling them that they're wrong, and, instead, just say thank you and take the gift?

In the first year of my marriage, when my husband would say something really sweet to me or want to be affectionate towards me, my first reaction would be to deflect the comment or to push him away. ("He must want something; that's the only reason he'd be doing all this.") Then one day it dawned on me. Before he and I got together,  I prayed that God would bring me an awesome man who would be affectionate and complimentary and make me feel special. Why can't I just be grateful and take the gift?

Why do some of us find it difficult to just accept a really good gift, whether it's the blessing of a wonderful partner or friend, a kind word, or help at a difficult time?  I can't answer for you, but for me, it had to do with what I thought about myself.  When I joined my church's choir, my opinion of myself wasn't very high, so when I received those compliments, I couldn't believe people were saying such nice things because I didn't believe those things about myself. It was only after I started to just say thank you that I was on the road to changing what I believed and felt about myself. When my husband would say or do something really wonderful, deep down I felt undeserving and felt as if I couldn't do enough to prove that I was. As the months have gone by and we approach our 2nd anniversary, I've come to realize that I didn't need to validate his choice in marrying me. It was his decision to ask me to be his wife. He chose me and he continues to choose me each day.

Sometime I have similar feelings when God gives me a really great opportunity or blessing. ("This is too much." "I don't deserve this." " I guess something bad is going to happen soon because things are too good.") Sometimes it hard for me to just say thank you and accept the gift. I'm so glad that God doesn't bless us based on our performance, our character, or our good deeds because we'd never measure up. We should all strive to be good citizens in our world and be kind to each other but even on our best days, we aren't good enough. But God loves us and that's why He gives us good gifts; because He just wants to and He really likes to.  All He asks is that we are grateful. We don't have to prove anything or try to earn anything. All we need to do is just say thank you and accept the gift.

Here are some verses about our Good Gift-Giving God.
Verse 1   Verse 2   Verse 3

May we believe the good things about ourselves, believe in God's goodness towards us, and receive the good things He gives.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, ma'am! YES!!! Speak this, my friend...and believe it. TAKE the GIFT, INDEED!!! Love it!
