I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. After seeing the movie, TheWar Room, I was reminded of how amazing of a gift prayer is. We can go to God directly and ask Him for what we need and want and I believe He hears our prayers. The answers may not be exactly what we want, but if we truly trust God, we believe that He will work with our best interest in mind.
Even in believing all these things, I don't pray as often as I should. Why? Two main reasons. The first is laziness. Naturally, I'm more of a listener than a talker. Since praying is a form of communicating, it takes effort for me to pray and sometimes I just get lazy. If I've had a busy day or a later evening out, most likely I'll get lazy and neglect my prayer time.
The second reason I don't pray is "there's nothing really to pray for". At least, that's the lie I tell myself. Of course , that's not at all true. Look at the state of our country and our world. And I don't even believe that I've got everything in my own life under control. There are just points in my life where things are quiet and nothing's really happening that I need to make sure I pray for, so I give myself the excuse not to.
But no matter how life is going, when I think about how powerful prayer is, it feels silly to not take advantage of such an amazing gift. Besides that, for me, prayer is key to keeping my spiritual life strong. What kind of relationship would I have with my husband if I didn't talk to him? Probably not such a great one. The same is true about my relationship with God. And as with any relationship, it takes effort. But the benefits of this relationship are too great to not put in the work.
Here are a few scriptures to help encourage you and me to remember to take time to pray:
Scripture 1 Scripture 2 Scripture 3
May you and I make the time to tap into this great resource of direct access to God and may He show us His love, give us His peace, and bless us with the desires of our hearts.